Best Organic Makeup Brands Amazon Affordable WORK
Best Organic Makeup Brands Amazon Affordable WORK
Best Organic Makeup Brands Amazon Affordable & WORK! // Are you looking for the best organic makeup? This video will tell you all about the best organic makeup products available on Amazon. If you could find affordable organic makeup on Amazon it would be so much easier to stick to an organic beauty or green makeup routine right? Watch this video to see how easy it is to find organic makeup brands and affordable clean makeup on Amazon – without the toxic ingredients of course!
HAN Skincare Cheek & Lip Tint
BaeBlu Organic Concealer
BaeBlu Organic Cheek Tint
Mom’s Secret 100% Natural Foundation
Fifth & Skin Better’n Ur Skin MINERAL MAKEUP PRIMER
Harvest Natural Beauty – Perfecting Organic Liquid Foundation
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The health and lifestyle information offered in this Video is designed for educational purposes only. None of this information is a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any regimens, recipes, or suggestions provided in this Video or in the Products. The use of any information provided in this Video or in the Products is solely at your own risk.
#organicmakeup #bestorganicmakeup #affordableorganicmakeup #yvonneburkart
Thank you Doctor
Thank you very much for your amazing video!
I’m watching this is 2022 and that HAN cheek and lip tint is $55 in CND woweee!
Was always curious about the ingredients that go on soft/hard gel nails. Any thoughts?
What about titanium dioxide and mica and iron oxides in those organic products? I am not sure but mica is mined by little children? There is a lot to consider. I am not so sure about Amazon. Are they toxic? Some products claim they are organic but a few ingredients can be toxic? Some lipsticks contain carmine red from beetles. I only trust the make 100 % pure unfortunately they are running out of my favourite lipsticks.
Hi Yvonne, thank you for educating us with so many healthy alternatives. May i ask if lash extension glue is toxic?
Iron oxide titanium oxide are carcinogens and in most of those products I don’t know how these are clean
Amazing video thank you
There is titanium dioxide in the MS foundation! It is banned in many countries now as a food additive…cancerous and toxic to our dna.😢
When looking for organic makeup and skincare, should we be concerned about things like *rice flour* (because of the potential arsenic content) 🍚☠or *lavender* (as it’s a known endocrine disruptor) 🪻⚧?
Unfortunately buying skincare and makeup on Amazon is quite dangerous. There is way too many fake products there or fake brands that are most likely rebranded temu or aliexpress products. One somewhat safe way of getting original product is purchasing only if it says "ships from BRAND NAME" not Amazon.
thank you for this amazing content!!!!!!
I saw somewhere that someone made lip and cheek color out of beets
very useful
Can you do a video of your make up routine linking the products you use?
I am so glad I found your channel. I have hyperpigmentation and really want to make sure that these products dont have essential oils or any oils that are photosensitive. Is this part of looking for non toxic products?
Hi, how do I get access to the list?
It would be useful to do this type of video for shop bought makeup as I don’t shop online and I’m in the UK & not USA. Many thanks.
Hi Yvonne, would you say that the brands themselves are health conscious or just the products you’re listing? I’m looking at the products the brand sells too lol because I just want to revamp my makeup selection thanks to your videos
Thank you 🙏
Great work, thank you 😊. The link "Sign up for the Free guide" is not working. Can you pls check it, thanks
Titanium dioxide is not safe
Can you PLEASE do one on shampoo/conditioner, hand soap, body soap, & lotion? I’m STRUGGLING
What a shit video…. It’s the ingredients at the END you need to worry about with these pseudo-clean brands. Titanium Dioxide!!
I need eye shadow?
Is organic produce always best or better to buy local?
These are great options. They are affordable. I’ve spent more on luxury brands but they are not ‘clean’. I’ll look into these.
All this ones you are showing are still toxic .
I would like to know your am and pm skincare routine with the products you use. Also, please suggest a good face and body moisturiser
Thank u🥰
I would love to hear what you have to say about Jones Road foundation and balm formulations. Learning a lot from you. Thanks.
So happy to have found you today on Diary of a ceo podcast! As a mother I feel tremendous guilt over all the mistakes I might have been making but so optimistic about the future standing today Thank you! Thank you! Thank you❤
are all organic safe on skin? does nothing lead to contact dermatitis??
Hi. I am trying to get rid off my makeup and buy something more clean. What did you think about KORA Organics
type control f where .. I can’t see .. thanks
You didn’t talk about heavy metals testing for these "organic" brands. I am confused. In your other video where you dragged Beauty Counter for lack of clarity on heavy metals testing results — so I am surprised this was of no concern in review of these "organic" brands…
Unfortunately, I don’t use and don’t buy from corporation companies such as Amazon! Shame that you’re promoting such scammers 😢
Please be aware The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has listed titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen I see the ingredient on the recommended items 😔
Hi. Was wondering if you have researched products from South Korea. They are so inexpensive and seem to be very health conscious. What are your thoughts??
Thank you for this video my skin is super duper sensitive, everything breaks me out. I have contact dermatitis and I love wearing makeup, hopefully these products work for me.
How about the titanium dioxide? is it safe?
Just got some sunscreen from your link. I like what you’re doing with your channel and your background with a PHD and a board certified toxicologist and saying these things are all very very important for me. Keep doing what you’re doing! Don’t let the big corps try to silence you lol!
Can you recommend a lip pencil?
type f where
Is physian formula products organic ? And skin products use synthetic vitamin E tocopherol ..why not use the real vit E?