RJUVN8 Chemical Free Beauty Products

RJUVN8 Chemical Free Beauty Products

In the U.S it was noticed that lots of infants and young kids were falling victim to lifestyle diseases like thyroid ;diabetes;asthama. this surprised the entire system.And than researches were done to study the reason behind it. And they came up with a shocking finding that there was presence of 200+ types of industrial chemicals in the emblicial cord. Embilical cord is the cord from where child gets its food while in womb.
Since direct exposure to such industrial compounds were beyond possibility in females;further investigations were done. It was found that it happened because of the usage various kinds of cosmetics used by the ladies, whose harmful compounds were being absorbed by the skin in less than 26 seconds in the bloodstreams and unknowingly getting accumulated in their various body parts.

Many companies, to achieve cost-effectiveness, produce cosmetic products using petrochemical or industry based products causing great damage, instead of using herbal or plant extracts. Usage of such kind of products leaves the skin exposed to certain dangerous chemicals leading to various diseases, spoiling their endocrine glands and even causing cancer.

Ideally Such products that are in direct touch with the skin should be made herbally without using chemicals etc. Mostly luxury brands works ideally on this theory and they provide their clients with advanced botanicals and chemical free products, free from chemicals like paraben, sulphate etc, but at a whopping cost.

To provide everyone with safe but affordable cosmetics and products, DARJUV9’s has launched its Skincare section, specially handcrafted with the finest natural herbs and made from the purest form of aloe vera ;ale vera which is specially sourced from terry labs and is certified usda organic .other than this we use premium oils that restore eternal beauty . With our deep knowledge of herbs, nutrition and ayurvedic medicine we have succeeded in presenting before you products that are not only Sulphate and paraben free, but also genuinely eco friendly.


  1. @The.clothing.junction on March 6, 2025 at 2:47 pm

    Wonderfull products

  2. @sunitadhiman6297 on March 6, 2025 at 2:53 pm

    It’s 👍✔ wonderful 👏 product

  3. @SUMIT-POX on March 6, 2025 at 3:09 pm

    Amezing product

  4. @manasranjanpatel3249 on March 6, 2025 at 3:29 pm


  5. @nandinitajagriyavlogs8205 on March 6, 2025 at 3:34 pm

    Nice information n best product. Thanks darujuv9

  6. @dipikasingh8484 on March 6, 2025 at 3:38 pm

    Nice informartion and thanks to DARJUV9 to provide us chemical free products…😍

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