DRY SKIN?! Try An Overnight Hydration Mask! DermDoctor #Shorts
DRY SKIN?! Try An Overnight Hydration Mask! DermDoctor #Shorts
Shoutout to Kiehl’s for sponsoring this video. Many of you know that we are big Kiehl’s fan, so always pumped to try their new products!
Product Mentioned: https://myshlf.us/p-302922
Why I Love This One:
-Super hydrating mask that prevents transepidermal water loss
-Balm-like consistency can be used as a make-up remover!
-10.5% squalane (one of my favorite ingredients)
-Leaves the skin hydrated and soft
Hey bro, I need help. What product should I use when going outside during winter. Whenever my skin touches cold weather. It turns really dry
I wish Kiels was cruelty free 🙁 🐭
I bought this after seeing your video. It literally feels like like my dry winter skin has a big drink of water!! Absolutely lovely, thanks for the recommendation ❤
Bro looks like Drake if he stayed in school!
Your link doesn’t work! Thanks for the info though, I’ll definitely check it out!
I stay away from squalene since watching the doc FIN
I’ll stick with coconut oil 🤣
LRP eczema formula for my face and body. Everything else causes my eczema to go bonkers.
My face skin has suddenly turned very very dry. It was quite soft and supple. I don’t really know what has happened. Please reply🙏🏼
Khiel is too strong for my skin 😮
I heard khiels isn’t all that good for skin
Is this a promoted video?
Hi , do I wash my face in the morning ? Thank you 😊
Not me watching this in the summer 💀💀💀
Dr. Shah you are awesome thanks for all the great information. And your presentation is superb!🤗
Yeah if you don’t have acne.
Yeah, this stuff is a game changer!
Hlo sir pls clear my confusion
After applying any diy mask my skin feel oily can i wash it with face wash as it doesn’t affect is benificial property
Your skin is absolutely beautiful 😍
Thank you for another relatable and informative video, Dr. Shah! Can you review Reusable Silicone Sheet Masks for Face + Eyes? Examples: products by Honest beauty, Nurse Jamie, Face Gym, etc. Can they be used over the products you mentioned in this and other videos? What’s the minimum and max. time to wear them? Are they more effective in the evening or daytime? 🙏🏽
Can i still apply my eye night cream and other face night cream and can i apply this in eye area too?
Contract to sell Kiehls?? Most of your vids promote that brand.
I live in South Florida where it’s 88 Degrees all day, every day
I have dry skin in summer n rains 365 a year
Tell us about the morning headband? Do you wear that to sleep? What’s it for??? Tell us!!!!
I love this Kiehl’s product (as well as some of their others.) since I started using this over my night time skincare, people are asking all the time what am I doing, I look so fresh, skin is plump and firm. My sensitive skin loves it.
Whats your face reginen?
Can people with acne use this?
Is this milia friendly????
Overnight mask recommendations for sensitive / roseacea prone skin
Yooo he slick with the partnership at the top lol
But why would he leave her during this time wtf
I used their products once and got glued to it ❤😊
Kindly tell me what is the different of hydratic and rehydrated because there is 2 types of masks in that formula. So i’m a little bit confused, i’m a beginner of skin carroutine, kindly tell me, think you
This nigga fumbled hard 😂😂😂
My man just changed clothes and pretended it was morning 😂
💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩upload remedy for clean gut🤣🤣🤣
Is it non comedogen?
How can I get this product?
Ur skin is gorgeous
My hands suffer the most
I’ve got severe acne and post acne scars, but I’m also dry and dehydrated. So if I use something to moisturizing him clogging my pores, but if I use my acids then my skin gets dry. Help please
Dc evion vitamin e capsules face pr use kr skty
Ur skin is beautiful
Is it true that water based moisturiser can make your skin get frostbite?
Would you use that instead of a normal moisturizer at night or instead of?
That head band !!! Where can I get it ?
I can’t imagine being this obsessed with my skin. I understand maintenance and wanting to look better but there are definitely levels
It contains candelilla wax—